Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Assignment #10/ Test

Assignment #9

Assignement #6b

Assignement #6a

Assignment #5c

Assignement #5b

Assignment #5a

Assignment #4

Assignment #3

Assignment #2

What is multimedia? Multimedia is the combination of all aspects of media. These elements include audio, text,  still images, videos, or other interactivity forms. Multimedia can be created using an array of programs including Microsoft PowerPoint and Publisher, Adobe Photo Shop, and Illustrator. Each Program has their own unique forms of media but once they are combined into a single document, for example a power point presentation, it has become a multimedia document.

  A unique program that is used, but is not necessary, is SketchUp. This program allows the user to create three dimensional images to use in any document they please. This program may be used in a power point presentation to demonstrate a new construction project to a board of directors. SketchUp gives the concept of images a new meaning, making a still image look life like.

  Careers that can utilize the idea of multimedia are architects, computer engineers, and people in the live performance industry. Multimedia helps people understand a concept that mere words cant explain and give a visual look to ideas that seem too hard to believe.

Assignement #1

Monday, October 21, 2013